
Polaroid Model 800 - "The 800" (1957)

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Model 800: ("The 800")

Produced: 1957-1962 / Original Retail: $126.00
Estimated Production: 525,000 - (650,000)

Similar to the Model 150 except:

  • Has permanently lubricated roller bearings and (supposedly) special high-precision lens.
  • Polished steel body with light tan textured covering.


Source: http://www.landlist.ch/landlist/landdcam-roll.htm

Source: http://www.landlist.ch/landlist/landdcam-roll.htm#95A

Polaroid Model 95 (1948)

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Model 95:

Produced: 1948-1953 / Original Retail: $89.75
Estimated Production: 800,000 - (900,000)


  • Lens: 135mm, f/11, 3-element glass.
  • Shutter: 4 speed everset rotary-leaf design; 1/8 - 1/60, plus Bulb.
  • Flash: M-sync via ASA-bayonet post connector.
  • Exposure set by Light Value scale. ("Polaroid numbers")
  • Folding viewfinder, with simple "ball-and-mast" parallax compensation device.
  • Scale focus, with distance set by arcuate lever.
  • Has two tripod sockets and cable-release socket.
  • Polished steel body with brown fake-leather covering. Some examples have chrome plated trim.

IMPORTANT FIRSTS: First Polaroid Land camera, first commercially successful self-developing camera system.
NOTE 1: Earlier examples of this camera was made for Polaroid by Samson United of Rochester, with the lens made by Wollensak (?) (Later models have bodies and lenses made by Polaroid themselves-- this was a stopgap solution until Polaroid could set up their own manufacturing line). A visitor reports that some Model 95's may have also been produced in a Timex plant in Atlanta.
NOTE 2: Unlike later Polaroid rollfilm camera models, the 95 has a pair of clips in the film chamber to hold the "negative" roll in place.
NOTE 3: I wonder if the metal finish (and perhaps the covering adhesive) used on this camera may be different from the later rollfilm models, as Model 95 cameras seem to be significantly more likely than other Polaroid rollfilm cameras to exhibit pitting or corrosion of exposed metal parts and/or bubbled or missing covering pieces. However, that's merely my own observation; your mileage may vary, so to speak.
COLLECTOR'S NOTES: Certain details of this camera underwent minor changes during the overall production run. The most well-known of these is the fact that most of them (the first 700,000 or so that were produced) have a flexible spring post on the front standard (for viewfinder centering and parallax correction), whereas the later production models (the remaining 1 or 2 hundred thousand or so) have a rigid post instead. Also, the front nameplate was changed a few times as well. The first 100,000 or so 95's have an engraved nameplate with black ink used to fill in the engraved areas. The nameplate on the later production models is silkscreened (in black ink) instead. In addition, the first 300,000 or so have the word "FLASH" (engraved or silkscreened) around the ASA flash contact on the front, but this label does not appear on later-production 95's.
One interesting thing I have noticed is that the number (and selection) of patents identified inside the back of the camera changed several times during the production life of this camera. [Fun Do-It-Yourself Research Project: Get an old Polaroid camera. Now go to the United States Patent Office web site (www.uspto.gov). Look up the various patent numbers listed inside the camera. Fun eh? Notice that many of the design concepts described/illustrated in the patent applications for some of the early Polaroid camera patents are surprisingly different from the products which actually got made/sold.]
Incidently, despite the historic significance of this camera, there is very little demand for this camera in the USA from a collector perspective. In part, this is probably due to its relative commonness-- there were close to a million Model 95's produced during its production life.


Source: http://www.landlist.ch/landlist/landdcam-roll.htm

Source: http://www.landlist.ch/landlist/landdcam-roll.htm

Polaroid Model 20 - Swinger (1965)

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Model 20: ("Swinger")

Produced: 1965-1970 / Original Retail: $19.95
Estimated Production: A Whole Bunch (Pattern Not Completely Determined)


  • Lens: Meniscus (single element, plastic)
  • Shutter: Single speed rotary, everset, 1/200 second
  • Flash: built-in flashgun for AG-1 bulbs
  • Exposure setting assisted via built-in photometer
  • Fixed focus
  • Rigid white plastic body

NOTES: Earlier production models have both "YES" and "NO" indications in the finder. Later ones have a plain checkerboard 'reference' screen on the photometer, thus indicating proper exposure with only the "YES" message. Also, some Swingers have a white back latch, while others have a black latch. Not sure if there is any correspondence between these two distinctions, but it appears that the white latch is usually an indication that the camera has the YES-only photometer. Incidently, the Swinger (and its later relatives in the Polaroid family, such as the Big Swinger and the Zip) is one of the very few mass-market cameras ever produced by anyone which has this type of exposure metering aid. At some point, I might put together a brief article about how the Swinger photometer works, as it's actually rather clever in its own little way.
Most Swingers were made in the U.K. by (apparently) General Time (i.e. Timex) for Polaroid Corporation, but earlier ones (and in particular some (most?) "YES/NO" models) were made in the USA. [Note: Does anyone know for sure about General Time being the manufaturer of this and other "Made in U.K." Polaroid cameras..? If so, was this under contract, or did Polaroid eventually buy the plant from General Time?]
COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Probably the most common/plentiful camera of any kind ever made (and therefore basically worthless in today's market). Literally millions were sold. This camera was very inexpensive compared with all other previous Polaroid cameras, and introduced a lot of young people to instant photography. [...and the heavy advertising towards the youth market didn't hurt either.]


Source: http://www.landlist.ch/landlist/landdcam-roll.htm#20

Source: http://www.landlist.ch/landlist/landdcam-roll.htm